Monday, October 27, 2008

Bringing Together Writers for Christ

Writing as Part of the Body of Christ

How Writing Can Unite People to do Christ’s Work


Writing is by nature a solitary activity. As individuals, we are also called to witness for Christ – but we are also reminded that together we are the body of Christ.

Many of the readily available pointers regarding secular writing groups apply to a Christian writing group in terms of organization. The key is always putting Christ in the forefront of everything. Open in prayer and ask him to bless how you critique one another. Remember to set the fundamental ground rule of sharing everything in love.

A Christian focused writing group need not solely be focused on inspirational material, though this ground rule should be set up early on. Some people may only be comfortable in a setting where stories that are heavily inspirational and drawn from scripture are shared, while other groups may be willing to be more wide ranged on subject matter provided it is analyzed against a Christian context. This ground rule needs to be set and established by the membership.

One of the biggest challenges, especially in churches with a small group of writers, is how to keep participants focused and energized. Figure out a balance of how often to meet, too little and people may lose interest but too much and people may feel pressured to produce material and not show up because they have nothing to share. Don’t make sharing a requirement of participation every week. Sharing should always be voluntary, though for the most effective group everyone should share. Recognize that people have busy schedules and everyone may not always attend all sessions – so be flexible!

Your church writing group, if enough interested participants, can also consider partnering for events with other ministries. Personally, one event I enjoyed doing was partnering with Womens’ Ministries. The event was on journal making – the event was on journal making, and I wove in a segment about journal writing. If there are not enough writers in your church to support a group, you see how you can use your God-given talents as a writer to support ministries in this way.

Pray and look to Christ to see what you can bring others together in your church to do for the Lord!


1) Do you want to know what you as a writer can better do for your congregation? Journal and pray about it. Think about all the ministries at your church and ways writing can strengthen them. If you identify an area, think of a plan of action and pray over that.

2) Reflect on 2 Corinthians 10. Paul speaks of the reaction his letters (writings) receive versus his appearance in person when he speaks. What inspiration can Christian writers draw from Paul?



Coordinator: Shannon Muir

Last revised: October 2008

Brochure text by
Shannon Muir
Original Artwork on Printed Version by
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden

[The above is a modified Internet transcription of the text of a print brochure originally released by Creative The Words to Spread the Word. This transcription released by Creative Words to Spread the Word. All rights reserved.]

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