Saturday, March 1, 2008

Testimony in Words

Documenting Mission Trips and Ministry Activities

From down the street to across the globe, how documenting experiences can change lives …


There are people all around the world who do not yet know Christ. Some may know him but all they know is solely the Bible, but don’t see how the Book is equally relevant today. However, seeing how Christ’s teachings impact people firsthand may be the way to make that difference. The problem is, some are unable to see Christ’s work unfold before them. This is why sharing accounts of people’s direct impact in seeing Christ change lives – whether one’s own or someone else’s – is vital. It’s also sometimes not practical to tell people about Christ’s impact on people’s lives in person, and thereby the written word can be used with great impact to spread this message of love and compassion.

Some people go on mission trips around the world to visit people in other countries. This opens them up to new cultural experiences, while showing what humanity has in common everywhere and that the need for Christ is universal. Others keep their involvement more local, working with ministry groups to reach out to groups such as the homeless or those with challenging medical conditions. Also, written testimony doesn’t just apply to taking group trips around the world or into the community. Every day, each of us are on a mission for Christ simply in our individual walks with Him, and our ministry is how we show Christ to those who do not know Him.

Though one general guideline to keep in mind when telling in-depth profiles you intend to share widely: either make sure to get the permission of people whose names you are profiling or change them in print. In some cases, especially in international mission, it may endanger someone to reveal too much about their identity – but his or her story may need to be told.


1) Think of an experience you have had – whether it was going on a mission trip away from home, helping out somewhere in the local community, or just being part of an event at church. What did you learn from that experience? Write down how you would describe that experience and what you learned from it to someone who wasn’t a part of that experience.

2) If you have never yet been involved in a mission trip or group ministry activity, challenge yourself to try something within your financial, health, and other means. Then write about this experience for yourself, to see what new insights you get from self-examination. However, if you feel led to share, go ahead.



Coordinator: Shannon Muir

Last revised: March 2008

Brochure text by
Shannon Muir
Original Artwork on Printed Version by
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden

[The above is a modified Internet transcription of the text of a print brochure originally released by Creative The Words to Spread the Word. This transcription released by Creative Words to Spread the Word. All rights reserved.]

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