Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Language of Being Missional

Bridging the gap between what is defined as spiritual and what is identified as secular

The words you creatively choose for your writing can impact who you reach…


When someone speaks in a foreign language, the words can be meaningless if the listener doesn’t understand the language. A health article written with highly medical terminology may be easily understood by doctors but not patients. The language of church, or theological language, can be much the same way.

The audience of the final product must be kept in mind when writing anything, including Christian works. If the piece is intended for people in the church who are familiar with the language and culture of it, then more theological terms are appropriate. However, if something needs to be accessible to people newer to the church or even the unchurched, then additional care and attention must be paid to word choices. Either different words must be chosen that are more universally understood, or explanation should be provided if no substitute term is possible. However, if an explanation is the only way to handle something, be sure it is short and to the point so the reader is not turned off or bored. The goal is for them to pay attention to the message, not to the definition.

Also, there is the added issue of choosing specific language to reach various subgroups and subcultures. These groups each have their own lingo, or slang, and may be more receptive to people who can speak it fluently and correctly. If someone learns it “just enough” to try and focus on getting just a single message across, this usually backfires in the end and erodes trust.

No matter what people one wants to reach with writing, and with what creative choice of language and style, first and foremost the writer needs to be authentic. Work on building friendships and trust while learning the culture of the intended audience. Getting to know people helps in growing spiritually, as well as enriching one’s writing background.


1) Consider prayerfully Mark 16:15-18. It calls on believers to go into the world and spread the word. What are ways that you can do this naturally?

2) There may be people you encounter familiar with Christ that have fallen away, some who do not know Christ but receptive, and those convinced He can’t exist. How would you adjust your language to each situation when gearing writings to each set of people? Do you find one of these groups of people harder to reach than the others, and how would you challenge yourself to do it more effectively?




Last revised: February 2008

Brochure text by
Shannon Muir
Original Artwork on Printed Version by
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden

[The above is a modified Internet transcription of the text of a print brochure originally released by Creative The Words to Spread the Word. This transcription released by Creative Words to Spread the Word. All rights reserved.]

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