Saturday, February 2, 2008

Journaling for Christ

Recording Your Personal Walk
How a Spiritual Journal Differs from a Prayer Diary and How it Can be a Tool for Your Walk with Christ


A spiritual journal records a personal walk with God, which is different from a prayer diary, which records prayers and the status of each, though these can be added as part of someone’s spiritual journal. Some might say journaling isn’t necessary if God already knows everything, but there are several reasons it can help. It serves as a record to understand and appreciate Christian growth over time. Another purpose is to capture thoughts when the Spirit moves you for later reflection. It’s also a way to work out your thoughts in praying to God.

“Writer’s Block” – which can occur when one’s mind is empty, unfocused, or restrained – happens as much with a spiritual journal as any other type of writing: fear of not using “just the right words” with God, being uncomfortable with being honest, or just distracted by too many other things. Clear your mind of any outside distractions, pray your mind will be open to listen to the Spirit, and if that still doesn’t seem to help, you can choose a Biblical passage to contemplate or try some sort of creative exercise such as trying to retell a story in the Bible from someone else’s point of view, or writing some original praise poetry.

There are journals available that provide a verse or thought daily for one to respond to. Journaling is a very personal process and these may not be appropriate for everyone. Some may prefer or need the structure to get them writing, while others may only become frustrated if they do not have something to say on each day that is Spirit led, yet feel as if they are doing “something wrong” by not answering. If the Spirit is leading you to write about something else, go with that instead of what a page written by someone else is instructing you do. After all, it is your walk with the Lord. If none of these work, the Spirit may just not want to be using the page to speak with you at that particular time, as if to say: “Contemplate things more on your own and see what you discover, and then get back to me”. It is more than all right. God speaks in many ways.


1) Find a verse or chapter in the Bible that carries special meaning for you. Write down in your journal what emotions or connotations come to mind for you when reading that passage and how it makes you feel in relation to Christ.

2) Consider Psalm 102:18. What is the importance of recording a personal journey with God – for ourselves? For others? Write down your answer if you feel led to.



Coordinator: Shannon Muir

Last revised: February 2008

Brochure text by
Shannon Muir
Original Artwork on Printed Version by
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden

[The above is a modified Internet transcription of the text of a print brochure originally released by Creative The Words to Spread the Word. This transcription released by Creative Words to Spread the Word. All rights reserved.]

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