Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why Should I Write?

A Question for All Christians

All Christians are called to witness and writing is one way to do that. No matter your skill level, find out why writing matters to Jesus and to you…


My name is Shannon Muir, and I founded Creative Words to Spread the Word. Since I first formed this ministry, I’ve been approached by people. Some are interested in active ministry involvement to explore their creative gift, others to simply encourage me as “cheering others on” is one of their spiritual gifts. I’ve also met with some people who come to me who admit that they “could never write, but wish they could” or have tried and become frustrated because they were not good at it.

Being “creative” is not just a matter of telling short stories or poetry. You can be “creative” in your own written testimony, simply in the words you choose to express it. That word choice, combined with your unique spiritual experience, is part of what makes it your personal testimony versus just a generic facts sheet. This also applies to how you choose to express items for the monthly church newsletter, the bulletin, or features on the church Web site.

Also, “writing” is not just confined to the written word in its final form. Outlines for documentaries about spiritual experiences, or even scripts for stage drama or videorecording have to be written.

Writers do not have to always do something that is publicly shared. Some people have more of a gift for writing that becomes public expression. Others can use it simply as a tool to further their personal Christian walk through spiritual journaling. So take a second look at what you do every day… you may already be writing for Christ and not know it!


1) Have you had an experience that strengthened you as a Christian, either for the good or the bad? Take some quiet time and write about it.

2) Do you have a favorite psalm or proverb? If a non-Christian were to read this and say “I don’t understand what this means,” how would you explain it to them and what it means to you personally? Now try writing those same words down.

3) Consider trying to retell a favorite bible story from another character’s point of view based on the scriptural facts you know.



Coordinator: Shannon Muir

Last revised: December 2007

Brochure text by
Shannon Muir
Original Artwork on Printed Version by
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden

[The above is a modified Internet transcription of the text of a print brochure originally released by Creative The Words to Spread the Word. This transcription released by Creative Words to Spread the Word. All rights reserved.]

Monday, December 3, 2007

Brochure text soon to be available online...

There'd already been plans to start putting the text of the older study brochures online as only so much room existed in the racks in the narthex of Wilshire Avenue Community Church.

As of this past weekend, the narthex has been remodeled and the old rack that Creative Words to Spread the Word took advantage of for self-study brochures is gone. It is not determined at this time if an alternate solution for displaying the printed brochures in the new setup will be found. It may very well be that all past brochures and future self study materials may appear on this blog.

Also, a dedicated email for this ministry has been established. Direct contact should be written to creativewordstospreadtheword (at) if responding in this blog is not appropriate. Thank you.